Real World Talks Podcast
Real World Talks Podcast
Jeff Hickman from The Walt Disney Company talks Disney and career advice. He also shares tips to catch a recruiter’s eye, interview skills and how to create a strong social media brand!
Want tips to catch a recruiter’s eye or how to create a strong social media brand? Keep reading!
On Episode 32 of ‘Real World Talks’ the ladies of the Career Development Office spoke to Jeff Hickman, Manager of Disney College & International Recruitment, The Walt Disney Company. We love Disney and so does Jeff! Jeff discussed the holidays, his career journey, the reasons why he works for such a dynamic & diverse team and his favorite characters. He also shared the best career advice, tips to catch a recruiter’s eye, interview skills and how to create a strong social media brand. Jeff is very passionate about his role and it was a very informative episode!
Starring: Lourdes Torres, Katherine Martin and Nathalie St Remy
Produced by: Nathalie St Remy