Real World Talks Podcast
Real World Talks Podcast
Ernisha Randolph, Founder of Sweet Butter Hospitality Group talks about overcoming self doubt, her successful hospitality group and the beginnings of her company. She also talks about being a young entrepreneur of color in turn sharing tips/ advice & more
“Don’t let others tell you what you can’t do and don’t let the limitations of others limit your vision”! Chaplin School Alumna Ernisha Randolph, Founder of Sweet Butter Hospitality Group stopped by for Episode 30 of Real World Talks with the ladies of Career. She discussed her journey of how she overcame fear, doubt & tragedy and moved forward with Sweet Butter Hospitality Group. It is a successful company that develops brands and showcases hospitality through food, music & history with a touch Southern culture created by African Americans. She shared advice with those who want to become an entrepreneur, career mistakes and the importance of representation in the workplace. Ernisha also talked about why personality matters in this industry, the importance of networking, the exciting things her hospitality group is doing, inspirational individuals she hopes to meet and what she is looking forward to in the upcoming year! It was such a fun interview and we hope you enjoy it!
Starring: Lourdes Torres, Katherine Martin and Nathalie St Remy
Produced by: Nathalie St Remy